Storyphile | Your life. Your story. For the people you love.

The Keepsake Hour

Vintage photo of a bridal couple.

Your memories in focus.

Not quite sure if you want to tell your story? Wondering if you have anything to say? Or if it’s worth the bother?

Storyphile’s Keepsake Hour is the perfect way to test the waters.

You won’t need a lot of time. You won’t need a lot of money. You’ll decide what you want to talk about. (We’ll send you a list of questions to choose from.) And you’ll create a treasured keepsake for the people you love.

What you’ll get

A professional life story interview conducted by Marie Lesoway of Storyphile. This includes the following:

  • a list of life story questions emailed to you as a PDF file (These are questions everyone should think about.)
  • approximately 60 minutes of audio recording sent to you as a download link

What it costs

  • $225 (including GST), payable when you schedule your interview

What you’ll need to do

  1. Contact Marie to schedule your interview. (Call 780.469.7396 or email
  2. Etransfer your payment ($225 including GST) to Storyphile c/o (We’ll send you an invoice.)
  3. Review the list of life story questions we send you.
  4. Decide which questions you’d like to talk about during your interview. (You can substitute your own questions if you wish. Just let us know what they are.)
  5.  Sit for your interview. (We’ll do it at your place. Additional charges apply for interviews outside the Edmonton area.)
  6. Enjoy your audio recording and share it with your dear ones.

Can you really tell your life story in just an hour?

You can certainly tell some of it—perhaps the parts that are most important to you.

Will your loved ones think having part of your is story better than having no story?

Absolutely. You can count on it!

Click here for details on how to buy a Keepsake Hour as a gift.