Storyphile | Your life. Your story. For the people you love.

Life Story Books

Your life. Your story. For the people you love.

Telling your life story is an investment in your past—for your future.

Like the TV commercial says, “It’s priceless.”

Think about it.

What are the stories you most want your grandchildren to know? How would you feel if you never told those stories? What would be lost if you never told them?

Your life story is a gift—a thread in the tapestry of your family history.

Your stories will be remembered.

Your stories will be passed on.

Your story is your legacy. And it’s worth preserving in ink.

How book projects work

Phase 1: Manuscript Development

Book projects start with start with recorded interviews that capture your complete life story. In Phase 1 of a book project, Storyphile shapes your story into a page-turning manuscript.

We showcase your memorable moments.

We find the unifying threads of experience that shaped your character and personality.

We weave in words of wisdom from you to your dear ones.

We conduct research to colour in the details of place and time.

We add photos and documents to bring your story to life.

We provide professional writing and editing services to create a polished, captivating narrative.

And we deliver a finished manuscript that’s ready for production as a book or ebook.

It’s your story

Your book will read as if you are telling the reader about your experiences in your own words. It will be your story, in your voice. We’ll just give it structure, shape and sparkle.

Just as every story is different, so is every story manuscript. The manuscript for a complete life story can range from 30,000 to 100,000 words or more.Yours can be as long or as short as you care to make it.

Phase 2: Book Production

Once you’ve approved your completed manuscript, Storyphile works with trusted graphic designers, printers and production partners to create a beautiful heirloom book.

The sky’s the limit in terms of what your book can look like. You can go for a traditional look or be cool and contemporary, if that suits you better.

You can print your book in full colour, black-and-white or some combination. You can bind it in paper, hard cover, or even leather or wood. You can wrap it in a dust jacket or in a custom-made case. Or you can save a tree and produce it as an ebook.

Storyphile will manage the production process for you. We’ll find the right people, make all the arrangements and help you with your design decisions. You’ll sign separate contracts with your book designer, printer and other professionals (as needed), and pay these people directly.

What you’ll need to do

When we start your life story project, you may not know what your book should look like. When your manuscript is finished, you may decide you don’t want to publish for a while—or even at all. You may even decide to publish independently of Storyphile.

We structure our life story book projects in two phases to give you the flexibility you need.

Here’s what you’ll do in Phase 1: Manuscript Development

  • Sign a letter of agreement and pay a 25% to 50% deposit for your manuscript.
  • Work with Storyphile to develop a plan for your book.
  • Sit for interviews.
  • Work with Storyphile to select photos and documents.
  • Review a first draft of your book manuscript to make sure the information is correct and complete.
  • Work with Storyphile to review the overall manuscript structure. Approve the structure, tone and content of each chapter. You may decide to add content or photos at this stage, or to delete or revise certain parts of your story.
  • Review photo captions for accuracy.
  • Review a revised draft of your manuscript that incorporates the changes you request. You can add or delete material at this point.
  • Review the final, copy-edited draft of your manuscript. This final review is intended to find any typos that may have been missed. Substantial changes at this point will increase your cost.
  • Sign off to approve your finished life story manuscript.
  • Enjoy your finished manuscript and think about the next steps. Will you proceed to Phase 2? Will you create an ebook or a printed book? Or will you simply enjoy your manuscript as is?

Here’s what you’ll do in Phase 2: Book Production

  • Sign a letter of agreement and pay a 25% to 50% deposit to launch the book production phase of the project.
  • Work with Storyphile to negotiate agreements with a graphic designer, printer and other professionals. (We have many talented colleagues we can recommend.)
  • Sign agreements with these professionals, and pay these parties directly.
  • Choose your format, colour, size, layout and design. (Storyphile and your designer will advise you on these matters.)
  • Choose paper and binding to suit your budget and your taste.
  • Review chapter layouts and book cover design options. (A graphic designer will usually prepare three cover and chapter layouts, with different fonts and styling. You choose the layout you like best.)
  • Review and approve page proofs. (Page proofs are created by your designer. They show what your book will look in its final form.)
  • Review and approve copy and design for the front and back covers and for the book spine.
  • Review and approve front matter. (This includes the copyright page, preface and acknowledgments.)
  • Review and approve print proofs of the book. (Print proofs are created by your printer. They show what your book will look like when it’s ready to go to press.)
  • Decide how many copies you’d like to print.
  • Work with Storyphile to launch your book. We’ll help you with your event plan and invitations.
  • Celebrate and enjoy!

What it costs

Developing production-ready manuscript for a complete life story (Phase 1) starts at $25,000. Book production costs (Phase 2) are variable.

  • Production management typically starts at $4,000.
  • A one-of-a-kind cover design starts at $500.
  • Professional layout costs start at $8 a page.
  • Printing costs can range from $10 to $100 per copy.

How long it takes

  • 6 to 9 months to develop your manuscript (Phase 1). This includes 10 to 16 weeks for interviews.
  • 2 to 4 months for book production (Phase 2)

Deposits and payments

The deposit for each phase is 25% to 50% of the total fee. Your letters of agreement will outline the details and installments.