3. Preparing an Agreement
When you begin your project with Storyphile, we prepare a letter of agreement that describes how we’ll work together. The letter covers details like the following:
- each party’s tasks and responsibilities
- the approach we’ve agreed to
- the schedule for our meetings and interviews
- the deposit, fee and payment schedule
- details and due dates for the products or services you’ll get
- copyright and confidentiality
- the process we’ll use for changes to our agreement
Before you sign, we’ll go through all the details with you—to make sure everything is clear and there are no surprises.
Book projects require two letters of agreement—one to prepare your life story manuscript and second one to transform your manuscript into a published book.
Interview and meeting schedules
Storyphile works with you to come up with a schedule for our interviews and meetings. That helps us keep our business on track. And it lets you plan your life.
Once we’ve confirmed our meeting dates, you and Storyphile will discuss and agree to any scheduling changes that might be needed.
Changes can sometimes affect the overall production schedule for your project. We try to be flexible. And we do our best to accommodate your needs.
Find out how long a life history project might take.
Deposits and payments
The letter of agreement you sign with Storyphile specifies the total project fee we’ve agreed to. It also specifies the deposit and any installment amounts you’ll need to pay.
Deposits range from 25% to 50% of the total fee, depending on the life story package you choose.
- For projects that include audio recordings and transcripts, the deposit is 30% to 50% of the total fee. The balance is due when the project is complete.
- For manuscripts, full-scale printed memoirs and other books, the deposit is 25% to 50% of the total fee. Your letter of agreement will outline the required installment payments.
- For corporate history projects, deposit and installment payments are negotiated and set out in a letter of agreement.
- For Storyphile’s special introductory editing package, full payment is required when your project begins.
- For all other Storyphile projects—including living obituaries, eulogies, memorial cards, editing and customized packages, a deposit of 25% to 50% is required.
The letter of agreement you sign with Storyphile sets out what we’ll do, how we’ll do it, how long it will take, how much it will cost and what you’ll get for your money.
You have the option of expanding the size and scope of your life story project at any time. Of course, expanding the work will also expand the fee.
You can also cancel your project or reduce its scope at any time. You will only need to pay for work completed up to that point and for the cost of services we’ve procured on your behalf. Your letter of agreement will set out the specifics.
If you wish to make a change, we require one week’s notice in writing. We’ll discuss your requirements and revise your original letter of agreement accordingly.
“Writers are the custodians of memory, and memories have a way of dying with their owner. One of the saddest sentences I know is “I wish I had asked my mother about that.”
—William Zinsser